prSyntaxOn = Use Syntax Highlighting and print in color
prlnNumbers = Print Linenumbers
SelDirCap = Select destination directory ...
ccCreaFol = Create a new folder
tbCreaGB3 = Cell properties
tbCreaRG1 = Alignment
UCCP_Update = Update Console
UCCP_ICons = Information console
UCCP_Filen = Filename :
UCCP_btRec = Bytes Received :
UCCP_Yv = Your version :
UCCP_DProg = Progress :
UCCP_CheckUpd = Check for updates
rmdError = Error
rmdOk = Ok
rmvfLinks = Verify Links
rmRoot = Root :
rmlvUrl = Url
rmlvStatus = Status
ZeroHttp = No links have been found in the document
ZeroImg = No images have been found in the document
vlpwInfo = If required enter user name and password. Only needed if the page is password protected.
vlNameI = User name
vlPwI = Password
SupMItem = Support
CCUpARLstb = Code inside templates updated for the current open files !
LoadDocs1 = Recent Files ...
SAllIT = Save All
PJMAN = Project Manager
FMMAN = File Manager
PMNew = New
PMAdd = Add
PMRem = Remove
FExample = HTML Form Example
FCheck = Add a checkbox
FRadio = Add a radio box
FButton = Add a button
FHText = Add hidden text
FEdit = Add a edit box
FTA = Add textarea
FPwBox = Add password box
FImage = Add image
gpm = Go to the Project Manager
fconfigclHist = Clear Recent Files ...
fconfigRemBrw = Double click on a browser to remove it !
fconfigSetSelBrw = Set selected browser as default
htmlOnClick = OnClick
htmlValue = Value
htmlBlur = OnBlur
htmlSel = OnSelect
htmlFoc = OnFocus
htmlChange = OnChange
htmlmxl = Max Length
htmlchk = Checked
DoEmail = Email
btSelType = Choose Button Style
ScrP = Scripts
TagLib = Tag Library
ElementsLE = The elements file you are trying to load is not valid !
JavaCloseWindow = Your code works but this option has been disabled in the preview because it could hang the program !
DP_Show = Dos Prompt
DP_CMD = Enter Command
chg_HighLighter = Change Highlighter
Ver_vLINBW = View link in browser (on double click)
CFG_TtS = Tabs To Spaces
CFG_SSC = Show Special Characters (Tabs, spaces, enters etc ...)
CFG_OTSFT = Do not open the same file twice
CFG_UXPL = Use XP Look
CFG_SDMOS = Show Document Manager on startup
GFX = GFX Editor
ElementsTab = Elements
ElFil = Elements File
ElFilCap = The elements file is used to load elements :)
GFXCap = Here you can choose you graphics editor.
VStyle = Visual Style
stOps = Startup Options
bList = Browser List
MM_Ops = Operations
MM_NetWork1 = Network
MM_NetWork1_Map = Map a network drive
MM_NetWork1_UnMap = Disconnect a network drive
MM_AddPrinter = Add a printer
MM_SFile = Search for a file ...
MM_FindC = Find Computer
MM_TGLIB = Tag Library
MM_DoDon = Make a Donation
FM_RenFile = Rename the selected file ...
FM_EDGFX = Edit Graphic
FM_Prop = Properties
mltosub = Subject
bclight = bordercolorlight
bclightexp = Normally, when a table is displayed, the browser uses variations on the background color to get a 3d appearance. Bordercolorlight defines what color the light portions should be.
bcdark = bordercolordark
bcdarkexp = Normally, when a table is displayed, the browser uses variations on the background color to get a 3d appearance. Bordercolordark defines what color the dark portions should be.
bgimagetab = Background Image
tblbprop = Table Border Properties
DocCap = Documents Manager
DocCapTab1 = Standard
DocCapTab2 = My Documents
DocCapCHK = Do not show Document Manager on startup
DocCapNewDoc = Create a new document
DocCapEditDoc = Edit the selected document
DocCapDeleteDoc = Delete the selected document
DocChar = Character
SelModeSel = Selection Method
SelNormal = Normal
SelLine = Line
SelBlock = Column
HT_Check = Check document with HTML Tidy
HT_Repair = Repair document
HT_Force = Force a repair
fpFileSize = Filesize :
fpAcc = Accessed :
fpmodi = Modified :
fpCr = Created :
fpLoc = Location :
ChFToN = Rename file
ChFToNe = New filename
cfgBrEN = Add a browser
HTMLTidyCannotFix = This document has errors that must be fixed before using HTML Tidy. Repair manually, or use the "Force" option.
HT_Warning = Warning
HTAccess = Access
HtBadDoc = I/O or file system error
HtFatal = Crash
TTs = Toolbars
TTShowSideBar = Show side bar
tbTools = Tools
sSyntaxHigh = Syntax Highlighting
sSyntaxHL = Highlighter
sForeGround = Foreground Color
sAttri = Attribute
lRegExp = Regular expression
TTCloseSide = Close side bar
rgWrap = Wrap (Optional)
rgVirt = Virtual
rgFys = Physical
rgProp = Properties
rgEvents = Events
bmOnOff = Enabled
BracketMatching = Bracket Matching
fiModComp = Insert complete file
fiModInc = Include file
fiModHyp = Insert file as hyper link
strThrough = Strike-through
QBox1 = Insert Question Box
QBox2 = Enter question
dbColPal = Double click to choose it's color from the palette